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The members of the Consumer Healthcare Products Association appreciate the opportunity to provide comments on the interim final rule on the petition to request an exemption from 100 percent identity testing for dietary ingredients.

Aug 9, 2007

Letter to Dr. Williams regarding "Development of a New Official Compendium, Separate from USP-NF, for Articles Not Legally Marketed in the U.S."

Jan 25, 2005

The Industry Coalition on 21 CFR Part 11 is pleased to submit the attached Citizen Petition to FDA for consideration. The Coalition comprises 13 trade associations representing manufacturers of products including foods, drugs, cosmetics, veterinary drugs, and medical devices.

Sep 17, 2004

We would like to add our voice to the American Herbal Products Association, the Council for Responsible Nutrition, and the National Nutrition Foods Association in supporting the joint industry submission.

Feb 24, 2004

CHPA supports rules governing the regulation of dietary supplements as a special type of food. The association has long advocated Good Manufacturing Practices for dietary supplements.

Aug 8, 2003

The Coalition is pleased that FDA has issued guidance that takes a risk-based approach to compliance. We strongly support this approach as a more realistic and effective way to protect public health.

Apr 28, 2003

Oral testimony of the Consumer Healthcare Products Association to the White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy.

Mar 16, 2001

Letter to Charles Ganley, M.D. regarding the agency's determination and comments pertaining to psyllium.

Oct 23, 2000

Learn about how CHPA member companies ensure that OTC medicine quality is standardized across the U.S.

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