The Global Self-Care Federation’s Self-Care Readiness Index

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On September 22, 2021, The Global Self-Care Federation (GSCF) launched a pioneering report for self-care, the Self-Care Readiness Index (SCRI), developed with the support of the World Health Organization (WHO). The Index reveals critical factors — titled “enablers” — that influence the uptake of self-care practices and products in health systems around the world, to support the design of better health systems and build a foundation for action-oriented initiatives at all levels.

The SCRI was created by analyzing ten diverse countries around the world, including the U.S., through the context of four key enablers of self-care:

  • Stakeholder Support and Adoption;
  • Consumer and Patient Empowerment;
  • Health Policy; and
  • Regulatory Environment.

The SCRI aims to serve as a learning platform to inspire new approaches to self-care. It calls for collective action to integrate self-care into global healthcare, and for a new global compact to be established on self-care at the WHO-level, to recognize self-care as a global health priority.

See CHPA’s statement about the Self-Care Readiness Index here, download the Executive Summary here, and visit GSCF to get the full report here.

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