CHPA Chat - Building Consumer Trust: Multicultural Brand Marketing

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Episode Summary

Reaching a multicultural audience is much different than in years past. The consumer healthcare industry is leading change and making a positive difference. Advancing diversity and inclusion through multicultural marketing starts with connecting with consumers and building trust. Join industry leaders, including CHPA Chair Michelle Wang Goodridge, as well as Dwylett Montgomery and Regina Shipman from P&G as they discuss how it’s done — the importance of making lasting connections and staying relevant, in part by emphasizing what unifies us and what makes us unique.



Episode Transcript

Anita Brikman: So, wow. Today's episode was really special for me. The three guests exchanged virtual studio hugs. They really did. Appreciating the way that their companies share this larger mission, we talked about self-care companies that are authentically and holistically behind efforts to advance health outcomes in the most inclusive way. In communities across the nation, they want to make a difference, and it is all inspiring. I hope you enjoy the show.

Speaker 2: Welcome to CHPA Chat, conversations in the consumer healthcare industry with Anita Brikman.

Anita Brikman: Welcome, everybody. We are talking about multicultural marketing today. We have some luminaries, and I don't say that lightly, true luminaries from Johnson & Johnson and Procter & Gamble to talk about how marketing has changed to really focus in on different communities. Thanks for joining us for this episode. We have Michelle Goodridge from Johnson & Johnson, Regina Shipman, and Dwylett Montgomery from Procter & Gamble. Ladies, thanks for being here.

Regina Shipman: Thank you, Anita.

Dwylett Montgomery: Thank you.

Michelle Wang Goodridge: Thank you.

Anita Brikman: Michelle, let's talk about BAND-AIDs. Let's talk about BAND-AIDs and multicultural marketing and skin tones, and how Johnson & Johnson decided to do this brand extension.

Michelle Wang Goodridge: Sure, I'm happy to. I'm really proud and excited to share a little bit about our new BAND-AID OURTONE products, which is I think the ones you're referring to. We just launched it to market. If you haven't seen it, it's a new collection of bandages that come in shades of brown that we believe really embraces the beauty of diverse skin tones. So we're excited about it because it's not only a great relevant product for many consumers, and we did this based on tons of insights work and really trying to get the tone right of the bandage, the messaging tone right, but also... What does the product stand for?

So in addition to the product, we're really proud of two things. One is that we're donating lots of product to the community, to healthcare professionals, frontline workers, and specifically communities where they may not have access to it. And the other thing we're super proud of is we recognize that only 1 in 10 nurses in the United States is Black, which is really just a startling statistic. So we are very proud that we've established this partnership with nurses, and a commitment to nurses. So we have a partnership with the National Black Nurses Association, as well as the Student Nurses' Association. And we're providing support both in support of their organizations, but also contributing to scholarships.

Anita Brikman: That is so exciting. Can I ask how you guys landed on the skin tones?

Michelle Wang Goodridge: Sure. I mean, long process. I'm sure our BAND-AID scientists would give you a much more interesting story. It was really just through in connection with our consumers, making sure that what we were developing, one, had the efficacy of the bandages that we wanted, but really reflected the skin tones that matter. And so we couldn't have 2000 shades of bandages, but what we wanted to do was make sure that it was represented across the spectrum. It was really designed for different shades of brown and yellow. I can tell you, the lightest shade is a perfect match for my Chinese skin. So I think it really speaks to a lot of different cultures. And the other thing, Anita, that's important is that this was really, really a deep insights journey. It wasn't just something that the team did in a short amount of time, and it was done in partnership with the Black community, but also with a Black-owned, culture-driven digital agency. So everything we did was really from the beginning, really came from the insights and also living into the true representation of who we were serving.

Anita Brikman: And clearly, this is representative of the corporate social responsibility of Johnson & Johnson. Does it also make business sense?

Michelle Wang Goodridge: Absolutely. I mean, our products should represent the families that we serve. That's it. It's as simple as that. And J&J, just like Procter & Gamble, has always been committed to making sure that our products represent those we serve, not just in the products, but I think what's really different now, it's also in our purpose. And so what do we stand for? What do we say? How do we show up? It's not just in the product, it's not just in our messaging or advertising anymore, but it is incredibly important that we speak up and speak out about some of the racial and social injustices. And our brands give us really authentic and compelling platforms to do so when it's appropriate.

Anita Brikman: Regina, Dwylett, do you think things have accelerated in 2020, given current events?

Regina Shipman: And I'll start. I will say absolutely. I will say for P&G, Procter & Gamble in general, the journey started, I'll say, before the events happened, specifically for what Dwylett and I... We co-lead what we call the BRIDGES Program in really ensuring that all communities are well-engaged with our brands, and we are building more of the diversity in culture internally as well as external. So it's really bridging the gaps. And we started this journey, I will say, long before all of the events that have happened over the past year, but of course with more heightened and acceleration within this process due to those events. So starting with some piloting processes that Dwylett and I have been involved with, with Metamucil particularly, we did some pilots, but then from that pilot, it spinned off to be more of the culture norm. And so with that norm, and really making sure that our brand advocacy is reaching all targeted to community areas, that has been the focus point, I'll say, at least for Dwylett and myself since 2017. Dwylett, anything you would add to that?

Dwylett Montgomery: No, I think you summed it up beautifully. The only thing that I might add is that it brings me a particular amount of joy, a specific amount of joy to be able to share outwardly the culture that we enjoy with them, Procter & Gamble. We're very sensitive to each other's cultures. We're very sensitive to diversity. We respect it, we embrace it, and now we're just fortunate enough to have a platform that the community can see how much we embrace them as well.

Anita Brikman: Let's talk about Metamucil as a case study. How was this different than how you've marketed in the past? And what did that make, as far as a difference as far as market share uptake in new communities? Let's talk about that.

Regina Shipman: Okay. Dwylett, you want to start? And I can flip-flop. We'll have fun with it.

Dwylett Montgomery: Sure. With Metamucil, what we noticed at first is that there was not a lot of intentional promotion and advertising to people of color. So that's one of the things that we made a point to bring that to the brand's attention, and we were grateful that they were so receptive. So that was the one thing. In terms of the brands being open and receptive to our ideas, another win, what we did is we actually created activations and opportunities to directly engage with the consumers and pass along the education that the brands had always had in place wanting to get down to them, but there were some barriers, some blocks. So we were able to bridge that gap and help to get the information flow out. Now, in terms of business, of course as the consumer becomes educated and they embrace the product, there's an uptick in the business, and I'll let Regina speak to those.

Regina Shipman: Yes. And to piggyback off of what Dwylett stated, I would say the very first interesting point or factor that we had to add in is what does the data say? And so we have to be able to go to the data to understand exactly where those barriers or disparities are. And so in order to really target the right community and really build brand ambassadorship within the community, we have to really understand. And I think understanding the barriers really will help you to deliver the goals that you want to deliver as a business. So understanding why, I'll call it the African American community, was not taking Metamucil... Of course, all of us on this line would probably have some of the same answers even as a multicultural audience just right here. We thought Metamucil was about laxatives.

And really, not having the background or the education around the product itself really caused the business not to progress in the AA community. So the more we educated ourselves internally on the data, the more that we educated ourselves on understanding what the community thoughts or understanding of our brands was about, we were able to mitigate those issues and close that gap. And so when we went into the community overall on a bigger scale, we were able to really target specifically what the thought process was and really drive more meaningful activation around literacy of... No, it's not a laxative, but it's all about fiber intake and how fiber really works in the body, and then how the advantages of fiber really, really help the community in so many health conditions.

Regina Shipman: And so just learning those simple, key, low factors, we were able to really drive more scalable pilot activations, which the community is now all in. So the result of that is the AA community, which we did the pilot on, they were the lesser or even the bottom, I'll say, of the scale when we started in 2017. Now, they're over-indexing, over 100 plus percent. They're over-indexing within all cultures.

Anita Brikman: Ladies, you're all talking about data-driven decisions for business. Michelle, how has Johnson & Johnson evolved with the data that you've collected in how you market to your consumers?

Michelle Wang Goodridge: Thanks, Anita. Well, first of all, I'm learning a ton about Metamucil, so thank you, Dwylett and Regina. Just amazing comments on the approach there and impact. In terms of the use of data, I really echo what Regina said, because everything starts with understanding insights and data, and then really addressing those need gaps that exist in our community. And how can companies like J&J and P&G and others really make an impact? So as Johnson & Johnson, our commitment in the world is around making a difference in health outcomes, and it's no different here. The difference is that we're laser-focused, and I would say just like Regina said, a heightened focused after the events of this year to really focus on what are the opportunities in specifically communities that historically have been excluded or not had access.

Michelle Wang Goodridge: And so, how can we improve outcomes by investing in culturally-competent, community-based care? And then how do we focus start towards those communities and our resources, and strengthen our relationship with the medical community? So just an example, Anita, even brands like Listerine, Listerine that we all know as mouthwash, well, guess what? Through COVID, that's actually become even more relevant, because people are very, very aware and have a heightened sense of hygiene and health. And by the way, our total health and wellbeing starts with the mouth. And we're focused on oral health. But here's what the data tells us, is that there's still a gap between access and penetration in the Black community, Hispanic communities.

And so we're really using that data-based approach to identify communities in need. And how do we deploy education, samples, and just relevant messaging to bring the product not only to be more accessible, but more relevant to create that need to address that need gap? The other thing I would say is we realized through Listerine, which is interesting speaking of the data, is that if you look at the care model and you think about the underrepresentation of Black dentists and dental hygienists in the field, that means that Johnson & Johnson, we have an opportunity to make a difference, not just through the product, but investing in building a diverse pipeline and scholarship programs to support Black dentists and dental hygienists. So that's another way we're really trying to support and advance-

Regina Shipman: If I can hug you, Michelle, I will reach through -

Anita Brikman: I love seeing this. Regina, we were talking about even oral health, toothbrushes, and where they're sold. Let's talk about that.

Regina Shipman: Oh, very, very good point, and it goes back to what Michelle stated around accessibility. So when you understand your community, you understand where they shop and even more so the why... And I often start any conversation of really driving change with why. And if you don't understand the why, you will never really address the need. So if companies are really trying to really build a more diverse platform, your products have to be diverse in the market area as well. And I think that that is some of the silo that you're feeling in why some products are being marketed in more of the non-AA base or Hispanic base versus the AA shopping consumer. So that's just-

Dwylett Montgomery: There's just one other little piece that I would like to toss in, and it's the access that the dentists themselves get to the information. There are some gaps there. There are products that are new to market, and sometimes products that have been out for a while, and if the gap hasn't been closed, and if those dentists aren't receiving that information and understanding the science behind it and why they should prescribe it or recommend that their patients go out and buy it, and if the patients don't buy into the why, and if it's not accessible to them, to Regina's point, then it's just a loss. So we do a much better job of closing that loop and making sure that everyone gets the education that they need to make an informed decision. I think that a lot of our companies and the brands will be excited about the results.

Anita Brikman: So as you all know, CHPA has such a broad membership, and there are huge companies, juggernauts like yours... Not saying that lightly. You guys are juggernauts, but what about the smaller brands, the smaller companies? What can they learn from what you're doing now with multicultural marketing versus kind of that one-size-fits-all approach to selling products? Because that's the beauty of an association, is that we can be a community and learn from each other.

Michelle Wang Goodridge: I can start, but I think this'll be a great conversation. I think two sides of the fence there. One is I think it starts with a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion as a company. Regardless of what size you are, that commitment to your own employees to drive the awareness and education and promote equity, not just diversity, inclusion, I think it all starts there. On the product side and all the solutions that we represent in self-care within CHPA, I think it's actually pretty straightforward. I think one is it's a completely different shift in how we think about our audiences. You don't start with the general population and do a follow-on campaign for the Black audience and the Asian audience and the Hispanic audience. That's old-school multicultural marketing.

What you do is you really do what Regina and Dwylett said so eloquently, which is you start with understand with the data and insights, and just taking a look at who really are your consumers that you serve, understanding what their needs are, and I think we'd all be amazed to find where there are disparities and opportunities. And then it becomes being relevant, being authentic, and developing not just solutions, products that are relevant to the consumer, but the messaging and... How can we give back to the community? So regardless of size of company, our responsibility in this industry is to do the right thing and to advance health outcomes. And so again, small or big, we can all do it in our own way.

Regina Shipman: Michelle, you are amazing.

Dwylett Montgomery: You are, I agree, that was beautiful...

Regina Shipman: I just get excited and thoughts start to flow, and I will piggyback off of Michelle. One of the most amazing things that I will say is a part of BRIDGES, that I found anyway, to be amazing is relationship. And I say that in the context of... If your organization is not diversified and the internal cultural relationships are really not driving the what and the why to the product, you're already setting yourself up as a company, whether big or small... You're already targeting such a specific group just because of your culture inside, so your culture inside should mimic what you're trying to reach outside. And so what we have learned, I believe, is the more that our leadership have now acknowledged that there are opportunities, and we need people that look like the communities that we are targeting to really become a part of the internal team.

Now, we can have the right talk. Now, we can drive the right solution, and then we can partner in dual relationship externally. The reason why I say that is because especially... And I can speak from the AA community. The way that we relate to one another may be different from other cultures. So for African Americans we have a trust factor. I mean, we are easy to trust, and I will say that for myself. And the more I trust because of people engagement, because of people that look like me, talk like me, even like what I like...

So we are able to easily captivate the communities of attention because now we have an internal culture that embraces all cultures that we can relate to. And so the relationship is critical, no matter the size of the company, but if you have a stagnant company with only one culture, you're only going to deliver your product to that same stagnant community outside of your company. So I always say look at the man-in-the-mirror-type process. The more you see yourself in the mirror inside is what you're going to duplicate outside, and I'll leave it as that. Dwylett, anything you want to add?

Dwylett Montgomery: I would just encourage companies to think about the experience that their customer, their consumer is going to have once they actually engage with them. And we'll just go with the easy thing. Think about your website. If you're out targeting AA or African ancestry... You snared my attention. What type of experience am I going to have as I interact with your brand online? Will I see people who look like me? Will I see things that resonate with me? And if I don't see that, then I don't feel welcome, and that's going to impact how I decide to do business with your company. And if I could get large and small companies just to pay attention to that one little thing, I would be happy, and I think our consumers would be too. It would be a more welcoming, inclusive experience all around.

Anita Brikman: That is so exciting. So now Michelle, since it's informal, I'm going to put you on the spot. Incoming board chair, leading CHPA, the first woman in, well, ever. But what's your vision for all of these companies, this community of self-care companies that truly are, I think, passionate about helping people have happier, healthier lives? So what do you want to accomplish in this leadership role, not just at J&J, but across the industry? No pressure, but it's a great opportunity.

Michelle Wang Goodridge: Well, thank you for that, Anita. It certainly is not only a great opportunity, but a real privilege to serve in this role. And I do so not just on behalf of Johnson & Johnson and the other companies, but of all the leaders out there that believe that what we're doing makes a difference. So I'm really excited about the opportunity, because I think our industry and self-care in general is more important to consumers and families now than ever, and I think the COVID pandemic has only really accelerated and empowered consumers to take on self-care for themselves. And I think the industry as a group, regardless of where we work, we have a huge responsibility to help drive health outcomes. At the end of the day, it's all about making that impact, and importantly, what gets included in that. To me, I'm very passionate about making sure that we're addressing any healthcare disparities, where we can as a company, together more than individually, come together to actually make a marked difference in addressing healthcare disparities and improving health outcomes.

Michelle Wang Goodridge: I really believe that this is a huge opportunity for us, and again, it's the power of the one plus one equals three effect. We are going to be stronger and more influential as an organization together as an industry. Forget our brands, but as a common voice. I also just want to take a moment to comment that I believe very much in what Regina said, is that we are as good as our representation. And so something that I really look forward to collaborating with the other companies about, about how we improve our representation across our CHPA member associations, and ensure we're giving great opportunities for diverse leaders across our industry to play a role in the efforts that the industry is taking on.
Anita Brikman: And Regina, I was thinking about the historically Black colleges and universities. You really utilize that as the influencers, as Michelle was saying. We need to go into the community with people who resonate already.

Regina Shipman: Absolutely. I think that advertisement is so diverse itself and how we do it, and I think we need to continue to expand for companies on how we think about marketing strategies. And before, I think we would look at television or commercials, radio and TV as the only outlet... whereas I think that COVID has driven a different, more important marketing process. Meaning we have our influencers, and they can be from those that are in Hollywood, but then you do have your more, say, grassroots-type influencers at the historical Black colleges. So we're starting to tap into... How do we start to work within the Hispanic area utilizing their schools, their specific focus schools, and their communities?
And then you have just even the ordinary everyday people like you and I. So Dwylett and I was on the doctor show. And so our communities got to see... And by word of mouth, I'm singing. Word of mouth travels faster, probably, than what you will pay millions of dollars for in a commercial. So because Dwylett and myself, just ordinary people in the community... But then we have families and in cities and states that we represent. Word of mouth travels so fast for Metamucil. I believe that that probably was just as much influential as having a million dollar commercial. So I think that we need to start tiering marketing, and to help drive the bottom line, it's going to have to be all levels of marketing schemes, versus just the commercial, newspaper, and radio talk. But having all of those categories.

Dwylett Montgomery: All of the things that I've found that was interesting, an interesting outcome of our work with HBCUs, is that they actually wanted to partner with us to get the information so that they could share it with their students, with their alumni, and their supporters. And I thought that was simply outstanding, and that's not something that you can buy. You have to go into that with clear intention. You have to go into that with a plan that both parties agree to. You have to be transparent. You have to extend trust. And because we extended trust and they extended trust, look at how we were able to educate and inform the community. Because it's more than about just taking Metamucil, it's about heart disease. It's about obesity. It's about high blood pressure. It's about stroke. It's about all of those things, the things that you can do to take care of yourself that help you to avoid those outcomes. Not saying that Metamucil will do that, but there are benefits to taking fiber. So I go back to what I was saying, the importance of trust, the importance of being authentic, and the importance of relationships.

Anita Brikman: So closing out this episode, I am inspired about soul-care as well as self-care. And Ladies, thank you so much for joining us on CHPA Chat.

Speaker 2: Thank you for joining us here at CHPA Chat. For more information, and to hear our entire catalog of shows, please visit


Dwylett Montgomery Headshot
Dwylett C. Montgomery
P&G EC30 NA Communications, Customer Care and Online Communities Leader; BRIDGES Advocacy Program, Co-Leader
Regina Shipman Headshot
Regina Shipman
Global Director of Quality Systems, Compliance and Governance, Procter & Gamble
Michelle Goodridge Headshot in red
Michelle Wang Goodridge
President, US Self Care, Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc.

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